Our Current Shopping List
Physical Security and C4ISR
3D Printing
Analysis and decision making tools
Analysis of multi-lingual, multi-source, multi-format, structured and unstructured data
Anonymous information sharing
Authentication for IP networks
Authentication of users and devices
CBRNE detection
Cellular security
Cloud Computing Security
Common operating platforms
Confidentiality of data at rest or in motion
Consumer credentials
Convenient strong credentials
Data leakage and loss prevention
Data mining, analytics and visualization
Email security
Firewalls and virtual private networks
Forensics tools
Geospatial Intelligence
High speed encrypted transmissions greater than 100Gps
Identity management
In-band interference cancellation techniques
Information assurance
Insider threat detection
Intrusion detection/mitigation
Malware detection and response
Management, analysis & visualization of large data sets collecting terabytes per hour
Network detection and obfuscation techniques
Network monitoring and management
Offensive and defensive network security
Reverse engineering
Signals intelligence
Supply chain verification
System interoperability- wired and wireless
Unified Threat Management--intrusion detection, tracking and response
Video pattern recognition
Virtual computing technologies
Wireless security
IT Hardware and Software
3D Printing
Ability to automatically track persons, vehicles, assets etc in real time and historically
Application Software
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data
Cloud Computing Technologies
Computers and Peripherals
Device Security
Distributed Computing
Endpoint Devices
Enterprise Software
Global Information Grid
High Performance Computing
High speed computing storage and distribution of terabytes per hour
Imaging (x-ray, spectro)
Internet software and online marketing
Knowledge management and discovery
Mobile platforms and apps
Natural Language Processing
Navigation and location based technologies
Network Security
Networking Equipment
Operating Systems
Semiconductors and Equipment
Smaller, lightweight and higher powered antennas through in metamaterials and nanotechnology improvements
Social and Digital Media
Supply Chain Management
Systems Design, Development, Maintenance Software
Training and Education
Workflow Software
Access controls
Biometric technologies that accurately determine identity at a distance
Cargo/baggage/personal screening
CBRNE/WMD/IED detection and mitigation sensors/tools
CCTV, Video surveillance and recognition of hostile /threat activity
Checkpoint technologies
Exchange biometric data securely
High volume data analysis and visualization tools
Kinetic force protection
Lightweight and rapidly deployable SATCOM terminals
Low cost attritable sensors
LPI, covert, secure, reliable communications
Modeling, simulation and gaming
Perimeter security
Persistent surveillance concepts
Physical Security
Port security
SCADA networks, sensors and management
Sensors that detect activity around facility perimeter as well as at a distance
Standoff technologies
UAV platforms and packages
Batteries and power sources of long duration
Biomass Generation
Building energy conservation technologies
Business continuity power supply and storage
Carbon and clean coal technologies
Disaster recovery power supply and storage
Energy Efficient Consumer Products
Energy Efficient Industrial Products
Energy storage
Fossil Fuel Efficiencies
Fuel efficiency technologies
Fusion, Cold Fusion, Nuclear
Geothermal Energy
Hydro and Marine Power
More efficient fuel cells
Recycling and Waste
Scavenging energy technologies
Smart Grid
Solar Energy
Stationary and mobile power supplies and storage
Vehicle and vehicle fuel efficiency technologies
Water and Wastewater
Water purification
Wind Energy
Life Sciences
Instruments and Equipment
Medical Devices
Advanced Material Technology
Construction Components
Construction Materials
Consumer Staples
Containers and Packaging
Hospitality, Restaurants and Leisure
Household Goods and Services
Media and Publishing
Metals and Mining
Paper and Forest Products
Waste Management
© 2019 by the American Security Challenge